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 OMG he got another. suicide game

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OMG he got another. suicide game Empty
PostSubject: OMG he got another. suicide game   OMG he got another. suicide game Icon_minitimeThu Mar 19, 2009 9:24 pm

This is one from regular GMS. rules are you have to kill yourself with item dropped by before post and then you drop item for next person to kill them.

EXAMPLE: before post"i drop a nickle"
I would say" I eat the nickle and choke while my friends laugh at my doom.
I drop a french Fri.

You can drop anything you like and try not to reapet death or items unless its REALLY FUNNY.

I DROP a pencil.
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OMG he got another. suicide game Empty
PostSubject: Re: OMG he got another. suicide game   OMG he got another. suicide game Icon_minitimeThu Mar 19, 2009 10:22 pm

It lands in my eye because for some reason I was lying down on the ground in front of you.

I drop a cake.
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OMG he got another. suicide game Empty
PostSubject: Re: OMG he got another. suicide game   OMG he got another. suicide game Icon_minitimeThu Mar 19, 2009 10:24 pm

As i stare at the cake my friend pushes my head in it and i die of suffication.

I drop my ID card
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OMG he got another. suicide game Empty
PostSubject: Re: OMG he got another. suicide game   OMG he got another. suicide game Icon_minitimeThu Mar 19, 2009 10:50 pm

I bent down and picked up the ID card, when i saw the picture, i freaked out and died of heart attack.

I drop my notebook.
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OMG he got another. suicide game Empty
PostSubject: Re: OMG he got another. suicide game   OMG he got another. suicide game Icon_minitimeFri Mar 20, 2009 5:20 am

I picked up the notebook... and realized that it can kill people... I used it to justify my own perspective of justice. Till I got trapped by some white haired kid and some chocolate freak.... They killed me...

I dropped a CONDOM
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OMG he got another. suicide game Empty
PostSubject: Re: OMG he got another. suicide game   OMG he got another. suicide game Icon_minitimeFri Mar 20, 2009 7:44 am

I'm walking along and don't notice the condom on the ground, and I slip, fall, and crack my skull on a wall.

I drop my pants.
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OMG he got another. suicide game Empty
PostSubject: Re: OMG he got another. suicide game   OMG he got another. suicide game Icon_minitimeFri Mar 20, 2009 8:01 am

The pants my size and it looked cool so i wore it. I didnt realize that the pants was EVIL! It sucks my life away and the pants are now in the most wanted list o.0

I drop a magazine
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OMG he got another. suicide game Empty
PostSubject: Re: OMG he got another. suicide game   OMG he got another. suicide game Icon_minitimeFri Mar 20, 2009 1:32 pm

I pick up the magazine and see a gun pointed at my face.. It shoots me right between the eyes and as i fall to the ground, I drop my cellphone
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OMG he got another. suicide game Empty
PostSubject: Re: OMG he got another. suicide game   OMG he got another. suicide game Icon_minitimeFri Mar 20, 2009 4:30 pm

I pick up the cell phone and start using the minutes. i go over them then the Mafia hunts me down and kills me.

I drop a computer
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OMG he got another. suicide game Empty
PostSubject: Re: OMG he got another. suicide game   OMG he got another. suicide game Icon_minitimeFri Mar 20, 2009 4:36 pm

I pick up the computer, look up porn and masturbate so hard i rip my dick off. I bleed to death and drop a cupcake on the ground
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OMG he got another. suicide game Empty
PostSubject: Re: OMG he got another. suicide game   OMG he got another. suicide game Icon_minitimeFri Mar 20, 2009 5:27 pm

I snarfle the cupcake down and choke because of my own greediness.

I drop a pool cue
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OMG he got another. suicide game Empty
PostSubject: Re: OMG he got another. suicide game   OMG he got another. suicide game Icon_minitimeFri Mar 20, 2009 6:47 pm

i pick up the pool cue and chunk it at a wall out of anger. It bounces back and smacks me across the face. I drop a bouncy ball
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OMG he got another. suicide game Empty
PostSubject: Re: OMG he got another. suicide game   OMG he got another. suicide game Icon_minitimeSat Mar 21, 2009 3:43 pm

I take the bouncy ball and a start throwing it against the wall. I throw it so hard thae it bounces back and hits my head. i trip and fall down stairs and break my neck o.0

I drop a forum
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OMG he got another. suicide game Empty
PostSubject: Re: OMG he got another. suicide game   OMG he got another. suicide game Icon_minitimeSat Mar 21, 2009 4:21 pm

I spam the forum and the forum mod shoots me.

I drop a dookie. =)
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OMG he got another. suicide game Empty
PostSubject: Re: OMG he got another. suicide game   OMG he got another. suicide game Icon_minitimeSat Mar 21, 2009 4:23 pm

i think it chocolate and eat it. die from food piosoning
drop cup of water
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OMG he got another. suicide game Empty
PostSubject: Re: OMG he got another. suicide game   OMG he got another. suicide game Icon_minitimeSat Mar 21, 2009 4:28 pm

I drank the cup of water, and swallowed a micro bacteria. It went through my blood vessels, and destroyed every single nerve one by one. It bursted my penis and made me into a zombie. I bit every single moFUCKAS in the forums and they had their penis burst. As for those who lacks the penis, their transformation is much too explicit to descibe. (TAKE A LOOK AT Marquisa) The whole world was BURSTING.

I dropped testicle.
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OMG he got another. suicide game Empty
PostSubject: Re: OMG he got another. suicide game   OMG he got another. suicide game Icon_minitimeSat Mar 21, 2009 4:33 pm

the testicle belonged to Michel beacuse he lost them when he saw Falling. WHAT NOW! when i found it on the ground a ninja monket attacked me because it wanted the testicle. i get stabbed by the monkey's sword.

I drop a ninja monkey mask
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OMG he got another. suicide game Empty
PostSubject: Re: OMG he got another. suicide game   OMG he got another. suicide game Icon_minitimeSat Mar 21, 2009 4:36 pm

So the Monkey's sword is his penis? So you were buttraped?

I was about to pick up the mask... and saw Marquisa's bare ass... My eyes bursted into flames, and died from loss of blood...

I dropped a set of K'Nex
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OMG he got another. suicide game Empty
PostSubject: Re: OMG he got another. suicide game   OMG he got another. suicide game Icon_minitimeSat Mar 21, 2009 4:38 pm

I used to K'nex to make myself some friends. It was all find and dandy until they started hating me and killed me in a red rage.

I dropped a fluffer.
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OMG he got another. suicide game Empty
PostSubject: Re: OMG he got another. suicide game   OMG he got another. suicide game Icon_minitimeMon Mar 23, 2009 2:53 pm

If you are talking about the fluffer that I'm thinking of, then here it goes.

I meet the fluffer and the fluffer starts fluffing me. However, while getting fluffed, I realize I'm in the middle of the street and get hit by a truck.

I drop a lighter.
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OMG he got another. suicide game Empty
PostSubject: Re: OMG he got another. suicide game   OMG he got another. suicide game Icon_minitimeMon Mar 23, 2009 4:58 pm

It was a very windy day when I stumbled upon a lighter on the floor. I picked up the lighter and realized that I since I was playing the suicide game, the most logical thing to do was to light myself on fire... But then I thought that that'd be waaay too easy and EVERYONE would've seen that coming. So I kept walking and thought of how I could kill myself using a lighter, besides lighting myself on fire. I really couldn't think of anything else to do with the lighter, nor did I really want to kill myself... SOOO I started to head back to put the lighter back where I found it.

On my way back I pass by a bum holding brand new cigarette in his hand with a very frustrated look on his face. I figured it was because he needed a light, but I soon found out it was because he was trying to use his supernatural power to make things burst into flames with his eyes to light his cigarette.... After staring at him for a few minutes or so, I figured it would be nice if I just offered him a light with the lighter I had found earlier. He gladly accepted the light and said that he would try again the next time he found a cigarette..

After being such a kind person, I happily skipped back to where I found the lighter and placed it on the ground. As I started to walk away from the lighter, I clumsily stepped on it... It shattered into a cloud of glittery dust as if it were magical. Foolishy, I leaned in for a closer look at this cloud.... Some of the particles got into my eyes and it burned!! IT BURNED!!!!!! I was in so much pain I didn't know what to do. Being an animal, my first instinct was to run. I ran to where ever the strong wind took me.

Meanwhile, the bum had just thrown his cigarette onto the floor and was just standing there in awe of the glowing embers he could've created with his supernatural powers... ALL OF A SUDDEN A girl comes screaming down the sidewalk with her hands on her face... THAT girl, was me.

I ran thinking that there is no way I'm going to die from this. I WILL BEAT THE CYCLE OF KILLINGS!!...
That was when I stepped on the burning embers of the bum's cigarette. My foot, being drenched in lighter fluid from me stepping on the lighter, burst into flames. Since I was wearing my sister's damned hideous chucks that day, in order to take off my shoes, I would have to unlace them!! SO, ABSENTMINDEDLY I reach for my laces in a desperate attempt to take off my shoes. THEN. My sleeve catches on fire. Scared out of my mind, I use my other hand to put out that fire. My other sleeve catches on fire. So then I take off my sweater and throw it onto the ground!! I MISSED THE FLOOR, AND HIT MY OTHER SHOE!

By then I figured I had lost the battle... BUT WAIT!! I remembered back to the 4th grade when the firemen came to visit my class and tell us about fire safety... They told us "Stop, drop and roll,". I stopped. I dropped. And then I rolled onto my fiery sweater...

I gave up on trying to put out this fire, so I just laid there in my bed of fire and DIED.

I drop my panties.
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OMG he got another. suicide game Empty
PostSubject: Re: OMG he got another. suicide game   OMG he got another. suicide game Icon_minitimeMon Mar 23, 2009 6:38 pm

Holy crap that was elaborate. Lol wow, props. And on with the game.

Newly resurrected since my last post, I stroll up to this flaming spectacle that I had inadvertently caused and find the charred panties on the floor. Being the perv that I am, I pick it up and check it out. While examining it, Mike Tyson comes out of the forest nearby and knocks me around a bit for no apparent reason whatsoever. In the end, he decides to pull a repeat of his performance in the 1997 Holyfield match by biting off my ear, leaving me to bleed to death on the ground.

I (through Mike Tyson) drop my ear on the ground.
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OMG he got another. suicide game Empty
PostSubject: Re: OMG he got another. suicide game   OMG he got another. suicide game Icon_minitimeMon Mar 23, 2009 7:55 pm

i take the ear and decied that it would be cool to have 3 ears so i have it surgicly put on. The guy who puts me to sleep accidently gives me to much sleeping gas and i die a quiet death.^_^

I drop a golf ball.
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OMG he got another. suicide game Empty
PostSubject: Re: OMG he got another. suicide game   OMG he got another. suicide game Icon_minitimeTue Mar 24, 2009 7:45 am

crossheart. you didnt post correctly by the rules of the game. post again or ill deleate your post
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OMG he got another. suicide game Empty
PostSubject: Re: OMG he got another. suicide game   OMG he got another. suicide game Icon_minitimeTue Mar 24, 2009 9:06 am

I bend over and pick up the golfball and decide to have a catch with the wall. While throwing it at the wall I get distracted and the ball comes back and flys down my throat. I die of choking

I drop my Carrot
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OMG he got another. suicide game Empty
PostSubject: Re: OMG he got another. suicide game   OMG he got another. suicide game Icon_minitime

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