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 GM Application!

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GM Application! Empty
PostSubject: GM Application!   GM Application! Icon_minitimeSat Sep 12, 2009 10:55 pm

Name: Jason Huang (IGN):Sethiroth

Location, Timezone:New York Eastern Time Zone


What you are applying for?:To Become Game-Master(GM)

How long are you on for?:Usual everyday I`m on for at least 4-6 hours otherwise I`m at school

Why should we hire you? In other words, what sets you apart from everyone else hm?:I have a long experience with maple-story , and I`ve played tons of private servers , because of that i believe that I have the experiences some players don't.So that I can handle things well while being a GM.

What would you do with a hacker, troublemaker, or peace disturber!?:I would give a warning at first if he does not cooperate i would automatically ban him of course.

What are your hobbies/activities?:I like to spend most of my time on computer because I`m sort of a Computer Geek.But I like to play a game for a while.

What events would you run?:
I would do Jumping Quests(JQ)with tricky maps with a proper layout.
I especially like hosting (HS)Hide and Seek because i like to be creative and choose spots that aren`t easy to find.
Hosting Savager Hunts would also put my mind in creative,because there are many items in the maple world.
Summary of yourself:I`m very calm person,very sly,mostly because I seem to be a nerd amongst my classmates at school.So I hope u can accpect me! Smile cheers
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GM Application! Empty
PostSubject: Re: GM Application!   GM Application! Icon_minitimeWed Sep 16, 2009 4:51 pm

i like u Very Happy good luck!
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GM Application! Empty
PostSubject: Re: GM Application!   GM Application! Icon_minitimeThu Sep 17, 2009 5:08 pm

nice app (:
-GM Ashley
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PostSubject: Re: GM Application!   GM Application! Icon_minitime

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